воскресенье, 7 августа 2011 г.

7-th day )) march 2010

Snatam Kaur, Guru Singh, Guru Ganesha Singh - I Am

I AM who I AM
That is That
I AM who I AM
Thanks  GOD I AM

I am, Who You are
Looking back
You are, Who  I AM
Can you  Imagine  That?

There  is One  GOD
and  That is the  Fact!!!

Guru Ganesha Singh & Snatam Kaur - Hari Om – album Joy Is Now

March, 7th


I slept badly at night. All body is aching. Muscles ached. Fall asleep and wake up in tense. Im going to have a bath with salt. All I want is to go into – “I AM” state. I am aware that I need merging and destruction of Ego. That is really stupid  if  me to leave this world by dying that  will be the unconscious action. Shortly, to stuck on  Bliss is a very stupid action!
I wake up and remind me at once that it’s necessary to observe an Individual Ego from the point of “I AM”.

The crisis begins!


I am being thrown between I AM and Individual state of ‘I am’.
Evidently, it’s for me to conscious and loose touch and move to the center of I AM.
Because I Am is True reality. But Individual state of ‘I am’ – is illusion
As for example a man is sitting in the room and gathering an apple from molecules in space (by power of thought). Here it is almost gathered, pulsing. Here telephone calls and the man shifts his attention to the telephone and the apple disappears at once.

So do Individualized state of ‘I am’. While I am in the centre of this Individualized state of ‘I am’ – I don’t feel I AM.

When I succeed to move the centre to I AM, Individual state of 'I am' will vanish immediately. And I become I AM!!!

It trashes heavily.

To look at Individual state of ‘I am’ as a player on the screen – tears anchors and ego away terribly!!! Right away there appear so many reactions on the glassy surface of the lake… imaginary reactions of ego)  
I was lying and suddenly felt such a condition… that I was in space… where there is no sense of breathing. I AM… why breathing in and out? A sensation appears that, you know, there is no oxygen!
And it passed right away.
“I AM”, helps me to move the centre to I AM. I am aware that Individual state of ‘I am’ is simply an illusion – it exists unless I KEEP my attention on it. I AM, helps me to move the centre of attention to I AM!!!! Because I am  the “I AM”!!!

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